The Beginning
For eth0:2019 Autumn, I worked on a first protoype of the Tamafoxi, based around that event's DIY smd-protoboard badge. It was quite succesfull, but rather basic.

I documented my initial experiences with that here, but I should eventually merge that with this newer page.
Revision 2
Now as tilde industries we are working on a much more interesting version, with a full-fledged custom PCB and all new software.
While others are working on various PCB prototypes, I'm starting the new software as a web emulator, for very fast iterative design process, way quicker than having to reflash microcontrollers.
the HTML hardware components have a translating API that works as close to the C++/Micropython enviroment as possible, so the game logic should be a very straightforward port.
Also Revision 2??
On a whim I also set out to design a PCB closer to the original prototype, with just 4 simple buttons and an OLED screen. It has a vibration motor and MPU-6050 accelerometer onboard as well.
I'm looking for input on making the fox feel more 'alive', and thinking of interesting interactions it could do both on the badge and possibly while meshing with others.